Hello, this is probably going to be a fairly short update, but I wanted to write something just to keep up my end of the bargain here. I won’t bother with all...
Seems like the end of January is upon us already. I hope you all are having a good start to the new year. This is going to be something of an odd devlog if I’...
Hello all, happy new year! This is obviously the last devlog before the end of the year. I’ll try to keep it short. I think there probably won’t be too much...
Hello all, we have a lot to talk about today. Nothing bad, lots of concepts. This has been a very conceptual month if you will. Before that though I’ll start...
I never know how to start these. Maybe I need to develop some sort of greeting like ‘Hello Villagers’ or something. That sounds weird, probably not going to...
It looks like its time for another devlog. This month I feel like a lot was accomplished. The tasks were a little more on the backend rather than new systems, b...
Just like that August is over. I say that a lot, but I really feel it this time. This month was hampered slightly by other events. To be brief, I attended a wed...
Tomorrow is the start of August so let’s jump right in. This is one of those months where a lot happened, but it was condensed into just a few systems so on p...